Marine JROTC

Course Code: 7913, 7916, 7918, 7919

Co-op: Not available

Duration: 36 weeks

itshere200Suggested Grade Levels: 9–12

Prerequisites: None

Offered at Hermitage, Highland Springs, and J.R. Tucker High Schools

The Marine Corps JROTC course is based on Marine Corps requirements and led by active-duty Marine Corps officers. The program can motivate students to learn, foster a disciplined and constructive learning environment, (and) instill essential skills like time organization, responsibility, goal setting, and teamwork.

Students are introduced to the JROTC curriculum, and basic U.S. citizenship rights and responsibilities are established and reinforced. Students learn leadership, history, communication techniques, disciplined study habits, management skills, first aid, drug abuse prevention, map reading, physical fitness, and workplace readiness skills. Military customs and courtesies, proper uniform wear, and personal appearance guidelines are followed within the leadership lab, drill, and military ceremonies.

Follow this link to the JR Tucker MCJROTC webpage.